Computer Systems Workgroup

From CSTART Wiki

The Computer Systems Workgroup (CSW) is a workgroup in CSTART's CLLARE project, which aims to land a single human on the moon and return them safely to Earth.

[edit] Purpose

The purpose of the Computer Systems Workgroup (CSW) is to select or design the necessary computer hardware and software for all components of our mission. It is possible that software development may be moved to a separate Software Engineering Workgroup in future.

[edit] Major tasks

  • Choice of computer hardware
  • Choice of operating systems
  • Design of computer network
  • Design of redundant storage arrays

[edit] Open tasks

  • Decide upon computer hardware
  • Decide upon computer operating system
  • Design high reliability data storage system

[edit] FAQ

Computer Systems Workgroup FAQ

[edit] Important Wiki pages

[edit] Suggested reading list

Computer Systems Workgroup suggested reading

Personal tools