Friends of CSTART

From CSTART Wiki

[edit] About "Friends of CSTART"/span>

The "Friends of CSTART" program is intended to foster relationships of friendly cooperation between CSTART and other groups or organizations who are engaging in space exploration or research under an "open source" philosophy. Our friendship is open to all such groups! Becoming a friend of CSTART is not a binding agreement of any kind, rather it is an informal and friendly acknowledgement of shared goals and ideals, interest in keeping up to date with one another's progress and willingness to share data, experience and advice.

CSTART will actively offer its friendship to appropriate groups as it finds them, but if you think your group fits the bill and we haven't contacted you yet, feel free to make the first move by sending an email to info[at]cstart[dot]org with the subject "Offer of friendship".

[edit] Friends of CSTART

[edit] Copenhagen Suborbitals

Copenhagen Suborbitals is "a non-profit suborbital space endeavor, based entirely on sponsors and volunteers. [Their] mission is to launch a human being into space. [They] are working fulltime to develop a series of suborbital space vehicles - designed to pave the way for manned space flight on a micro size spacecraft. [They] intend to share all [their] techninal information as much as possible, within the laws of EU-export control". Offer of friendship accepted December 20, 2009.
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