User | Post |
4:10 am February 5, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
Well, now that it seems quite likely that we'll be able to send brmj to SpaceUp, we should start planning to make sure we are as prepared as possible for this event.
It seems like SpaceUp is a little more chaotic that I envisioned. There seem to be two options open to us:
1) An "ignite" talk: "If you’re itching to give a presentation with slides, we have just the format for you: it’s called Ignite. You get 5 minutes to talk, with 20 slides that rotate automatically every 15 seconds. At SpaceUp, we’ve set aside a few session blocks for Ignite talks. These are the only talks that will be scheduled beforehand. If you’re interested in giving an Ignite talk at SpaceUp, contact us with your name, talk title, and a one-paragraph abstract"/p>
2) A non-ignite talk: "If you don’t have time to prepare anything before you go to SpaceUp, don’t worry. Just be there in time for the opening session and you’ll have plenty to do and contribute. If you want to prepare a talk beforehand—and it isn’t an Ignite talk (see above)—write it up as a set of notes or questions instead of a formal PowerPoint presentation. Do bring props, posters, diagrams, or demonstration equipment if you have it; just don’t assume that there will be audiovisual equipment to use"/p>
My thoughts are that 5 minutes is probably way too short to discuss CLLARE in any kind of meaningful way. However, we might be able to introduce CSTART in 5 minutes – rush through our Mission Statement, Social Contract, Design Philosophy, plug the website, done.
Discusion of CLLARE details would have to be non-ignite, but that means we can't do a proper PowerPoint presentation.
Doing an ignite session on CSTART early in the conference and then doing a non-ignite CLLARE talk afterward (and mention the upcoming CLLARE talk during the CSTART talk) might be a good way to make sure people are aware and interested.
Of course, we should also have stuff to manually hand out. Maybe a single A4 page on CSTART and a single A4 page on CLLARE, lots of dot points, lots of pretty pictures?
What do people think?
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
5:21 am February 5, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
Here's a concept version of a single-page CLLARE flyer. We probably want something better than this – I'm very bad at making stuff short and simple, which means my version has no room for pictures or anything – but I guess this gives a rough flavour of what we should be aiming for.
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
8:28 am February 5, 2010
| Rocket-To-The-Moon
| | Altus, Oklahoma, USA | |
| Member | posts 685 | |
I get back home late Saturday. I will make this a top priority.
My thoughts have been to briefly introduce CSTART, outline CLLARE, and offer OHKLA as a "team building" project.
Main Workgroups: Propulsion & Spacecraft Engineering
2:05 am February 6, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
Not SpaceUp planning per se, but something we need to sort before SpaceUp: The Wiki is currently lagging quite far behind all our recent ideas, which have been recorded more in the Overview Document. We should make sure that before the influx of people from SpaceUp the Wiki is looking fairly up to date and tidy.
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
2:08 am February 6, 2010
| Rizwan
| | |
| Admin
| posts 170 | |
I think we should follow this plan.
1) Ignite talk
Discuss about CSTART, Mission Statement, Social Contract, Design Philosophy, Open source aspect, benefit for the mankind, how they can get involved, how they can donate, discuss very briefly about the projects, plug-in the website, keep a stash of flyers on a desk ask everyone to pick one up on their way out and ask them to meet after the ignite talk to know more about the projects.
2) Non-ingnite talk
We can still put in a powerpoint presentation for this, if brmj has a laptop. Here we will discuss about CLLARE and OHKLA and answer questions from the audience on the projects or on CSTART.
So we will need 2 powerpoint presentations, a Flyer design for which we might need to take around 200 copies.
2:11 am February 6, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
Rizwan said:
We can still put in a powerpoint presentation for this, if brmj has a laptop.
I think that when they say "don’t assume that there will be audiovisual equipment to use", they are not so much talking about a lack of laptops (which will probably be everywhere!) but rather a lack of projectors / screens to project onto. A powerpoint presentation on a laptop is not much good if there are more than about 4 people.
Still, it can't hurt to have a presentation prepared. Who knows, maybe someone will bring a projector they are willing to let others use?
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
2:35 am February 6, 2010
| Rizwan
| | |
| Admin
| posts 170 | |
From what I have learned by visiting barcamp's is that, quite a few presentations happen with laptops. With 8-10 people in attendance. Of course, if it is more than that it might not be manageable.
2:56 am February 6, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
Oh, is that so? Well, I guess we should definitely prepare some presentations then. Hopefully we'll get more than 10 people interested, but if we only get 10 we should make sure we give them the best experience possible.
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
7:03 pm February 6, 2010
| Rocket-To-The-Moon
| | Altus, Oklahoma, USA | |
| Member | posts 685 | |
Here is a very (very) rough beginning for a presentation.
What direction do we want to go?
SpaceUp Presentation
Main Workgroups: Propulsion & Spacecraft Engineering
11:26 pm February 6, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
With regards to the Ignite talk, it's important to realise that we (frustratingly) don't have a lot of freedom with our presentation. We get 20 slides and they auto-forward every 15 seconds, whether we are ready or not. This means we can't have any slide contain too much information. It also presumably means that they will want the presentation to be in some particular file format to facilitate the auto-forwarding – unless they just have a human sitting there with a stopwatch clicking the "next" button on whatever item of software we end up using (I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that brmj doesn't have a copy of PowerPoint :p).
With the non-ignite talk we of course have a lot more freedom because we'll be running the laptop in question.
Back to ignite, we have 5 minutes to work with. I guess a sensible break down would be 1 minute introducing CSTART – give the mission statement, explain roughly what we want to be, how we want it to work, 1 minute to go over the social contract, emphasise that we are open, safe, etc., 1 minute to go over the design philosophy, emphasise KISS, maybe think of some good examples (either to features of existing spacecraft which are much simpler than alternatives or to other kinds of machine which have been built to a fiercely simple philosophy and succeeded because of it), 1 minute to go over OHKLA (mention CSXT, NZ RocketLabs), 1 minute to go over CLLARE. This is not a lot of time for each thing so we will have to plan carefully.
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
6:45 pm February 8, 2010
| brmj
| | Rochester, New York, United States | |
| Member | posts 402 | |
Sorry I'm late to the thread.
I agree that the wiki needs some updates. I'll try and work on that a bit. I am in agreement with Rizwan's plan (ignite talk about CSTART, non-ignite talk about CLLARE). I'll have to practise the ignite talk heavilly, since I am normally gratuitously verbose and a little socially awkward. I do indead have a laptop. I concur that Luke's outline of the content for the ignite talk is probably a sensible starting point. Good guess about the PowerPoint. Everything above the BIOS level is free as in speech on my systems.
I'm just a little anxious about this, but anticipating it imensly as well. Rizwan, since you have been to these before, is there anything I should know about what to expect?
A longer and more inciteful response to this thread will probably follow within the next 24 hours.
Main work groups: Propulsion (booster), Spacecraft Engineering, Computer Systems, Navigation and Guidance (software)
1:58 am February 11, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
There is a lot of other really good, productive stuff going on right now, all over the project. Unfortunately, SpaceUp has kind of fallen to the wayside because of this. I don't mean to pull people away from good work they are doing in other places, but we shouldn't neglect SpaceUp too much. Is there anything in particular that you would like us to help you out with, preparation wise, brmj?
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.
4:08 pm February 12, 2010
| brmj
| | Rochester, New York, United States | |
| Member | posts 402 | |
Post edited 4:09 pm – February 12, 2010 by brmj
Definitely. I will have limited time for preperations of any sort, since finals week is comming up. It would be nice to have some good handouts ready. I'm a little hesitent to ask for help with the presentations, since the content is fundimentally dependant on how I want to give the presentations, but that could be a good area to work as well.
On the technical and project management side of things, I would ask that nothing important be allowed to drastically change too soon before SpaceUp.
If people could work on getting the site and wiki more presentable and updated (perhaps making the overview document easy to find as well), that would be great, though this isn't for SpaceUp alone.
Main work groups: Propulsion (booster), Spacecraft Engineering, Computer Systems, Navigation and Guidance (software)
4:56 pm February 14, 2010
| brmj
| | Rochester, New York, United States | |
| Member | posts 402 | |
Post edited 4:57 pm – February 14, 2010 by brmj
Just so everyone knows, I found a hostel that has sufficiently cheep rooms and a good location, and they actually look like a reasonably nice place, so I think I'll go ahead and make reservations for SpaceUp tonight.
Main work groups: Propulsion (booster), Spacecraft Engineering, Computer Systems, Navigation and Guidance (software)
5:05 pm February 14, 2010
| Rocket-To-The-Moon
| | Altus, Oklahoma, USA | |
| Member | posts 685 | |
Sounds awesome! Let us know how we can help.
Main Workgroups: Propulsion & Spacecraft Engineering
8:28 pm February 14, 2010
| brmj
| | Rochester, New York, United States | |
| Member | posts 402 | |
I went ahead and made my reservations.
Main work groups: Propulsion (booster), Spacecraft Engineering, Computer Systems, Navigation and Guidance (software)
6:14 am February 17, 2010
| Rizwan
| | |
| Admin
| posts 170 | |
I will get started with designing a handout/flyer
Will try to keep it simple with a few points, answering questions such as Why CSTART?, What does it do?, How can we help?, What are the current projects?
Also will make it only in black so its cheaper to take prints.
9:12 pm February 22, 2010
| brmj
| | Rochester, New York, United States | |
| Member | posts 402 | |
I just thought I'd let everyone know that Sanjoy from One Flag in Space responded to my email and will be sending stickers for SpaceUp. Hopefully they will arrive in time.
Main work groups: Propulsion (booster), Spacecraft Engineering, Computer Systems, Navigation and Guidance (software)
6:00 am February 24, 2010
| rpulkrabek
| | |
| Member | posts 349 | |
What is the current situation for SpaceUp? Do we have materials made? Can I do something to help prepare? I've seen preparations made in Google Wave, but I can't view them at the moment.
6:16 am February 24, 2010
| Luke Maurits
| | Adelaide, Australia | |
| Admin
| posts 1483 | |
I think the following was agreed in IRC: I would take care of the slides for the CLLARE talk, Rizwan would handle the CSTART talk and the OHKLA talk, with DenisG doing the OHKLA talk if Rizwan didn't have time. Rizwan is also doing some fliers and business cards. As you can see, Rizwan is quite busy with all this. DenisG is busy with exams and will only work on the OHKLA slides if we really have to – if you have time to spare, it may be worth while you taking over the OHKLA slides from Rizwan, since (i) he is so busy and (ii) you know OHKLA better than anyone else. I dont' know how much work Rizwan has done already.
I did some work on the CLLARE slides tonight, I'm trying to get the details for our DropBox account from someone so I can share them. The main thing that remains to be done is to insert graphics. I'm waiting before doing that to hear back from Rocket about the possibility of getting some updated renders.
Something that has been slightly neglected is getting the webpage and Wiki up to date for the influx of new users. There is a lot of outdated or even now outright wrong information around the place that we really should work on. I hope to spend some time doing this tomorrow.
Main CLLARE workgroups: Mission Planning, Navigation and Guidance. I do maths, physics, C, Python and Java.