CSTART is now an official partner of the One Flag in Space initiative

The One Flag in Space initiative seeks to promote the use of the “Blue Marble” flag (showing the Earth from space) on spacecraft and spacesuits instead of the more traditional flags of nations, as a symbol of international unity in space exploration.  You can read more about their mission here.

CSTART shares One Flag in Space’s conviction that space exploration should be performed for the advancement and benefit of everybody on Earth, not only the nations who have developed a space fairing capability so far.  As such our Social Contract has stated for some time that “all rockets, spacecraft and spacesuits whose construction, launch or use are organized or financed by CSTART shall display the “Blue Marble” flag, in support of the ideals of the One Flag In Space movement”.

We are very pleased to announce that today the relationship between CSTART and OFiS has been carried a step further in the form of an official partnership between the two groups.  The OFiS website now contains a prominent link to CSTART’s and you should expect to see a reciprocal link on our website soon, as well as the inclusion of Blue Marble flags in future 3D renderings of our concept spacecraft.  This partnership is a great opportunity for each group to help promote awareness of the other, contributing to a true sense of community surrounding the emerging concept of open and accessible space travel.

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